Sunday, June 30, 2019

How To Go To Heaven When You Die

Listen as Pastor Andy explains the simple and pure gospel of Jesus and why salvation is not a matter of works, but rather a result of faith and belief in God's gracious gift of salvation.

Message 1 How To Go To Heaven When You Die

Sunday, June 23, 2019

How To Make God Do What You Want

Don't let this title fool you! Pastor Andy explains how we could never get God to do anything that He did not already want to do, and he takes us through Numbers 22-25, and the story of Balaam, in order to bring this truth to life. And then at the end of the message, Andy gives four specific ways to pray that will always move God to action!

Message How To Make God Do What You Want

Sunday, June 2, 2019

How To Prove God's Existence

The third topic in the "How To" series is the important question of God's existence. Listen as Pastor Andy teaches us how to handle the question, "Can you prove God's existence?" As with any good "how to" set of instructions, he gives six steps in answering this question (and, oh by the way for you theologically inclined techies, he gives you the classic theological terms to go with them... the Ontological, Cosmological, Teleological, Moral, Evidential and Experiential Arguments for the existence of God). This isn't boring stuff, and it is both enlightening and challenging!

Message 1 Proof and Evidence
Message 2 The Six Steps
Message 3 Moving to Certainty

STEP 1 Determine what you mean by “proof” and “evidence”.
STEP 2 Discover who or what was the first cause.
STEP 3 Determine that life is designed and is irreducibly complex.
STEP 4 Discern why there are absolutes in morals.
STEP 5 Don’t miss the greatest proof of all.
STEP 6 Dig deep inside and see what you find there.